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Sunflower Meal


Sunflowers (Helianthus annus) are grown throughout Australia for production of seed for oil extraction. Sunflower meal is produced with the oil extraction of the seeds.

While the type of processing can influence the nutritive quality of the meal produced, only one type of processing, pre-press solvent extraction, is essentially used in Australia. The number of different quality sunflower meals currently available is related to the amount of hull retained in the meal after processing.


• Sunflower meal can be included in the diets of pigs, poultry, cattle and horses of all ages. Its use is limited by its relatively low lysine availability. Its main advantage is as a good source of linoleic acid.

• Including sunflower meal in the diets of finisher pigs may cause soft fat depending on the fat level of the meal. However, the fat levels in Australian sunflower meals are usually very low, due to the efficient method of extraction, and hence do not usually present any problems.


A phenolic compound, chlorogenic acid present in sunflower meal has been found to cause eggshell staining. However this staining result from direct contact of the eggshell with feed dust (containing sunflower meal) and moisture. This can be eliminated by minimising dust accumulation and frequent egg collection.


The inclusion of sunflower meal in diets for pigs and poultry is limited only by its nutritive value.


Cool, dry conditions away from vermin.


Best used within 6 months from the date of manufacture.


20kg woven polypropylene bags.Bulk load details available from your sales representative

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