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Cheddar Reduced Fat

Cheddar cheese is a sharp-tasting cheese that, like other cheeses, is a good source of protein and calcium, but it is also calorie-dense and high in saturated fat, which can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and memory loss, not to mention impede your weight-loss efforts.

Choosing reduced-fat or fat-free cheddar cheese is a great way to take advantage of its nutritional benefits while minimizing unhealthy extras. The calcium in cheddar cheese helps maintain strong bones and teeth, may relieve PMS symptoms, and can help maintain healthy blood pressure. (Note: Since most cheeses are high in sodium, people with high blood pressure should eat only moderate amounts, choose low-sodium brands, and factor the sodium content into their daily totals.) If you get migraine headaches, it’s important to know that aged cheeses like cheddar are a common trigger. IBS sufferers take note: Some people with IBS are sensitive to dairy and experience discomfort after eating it.

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